An Overview of QWeb & Backend Fonts

June 6, 2022 by
An Overview of QWeb & Backend Fonts
Captivea India PVT. LTD, Nitesh Macwan

Konsultoo is introducing a unique application to Odoo users called “QWeb & Backend Fonts” that allows you to use the multiple fonts. The main highlight of this module that you can change the fonts based on your requirements. Are you willing to know how it works?        

This post is devoted to the process of changing the fonts for the Odoo Backend and using QWeb fonts to change the fonts of PDF reports. The entire process is mentioned below.

Firstly, type the name of the module in the search box and install it once appeared. Once the installation completes, go to the Settings to configure it. With the QWeb & Backend Fonts section, you can easily configure the QWeb & Backend fonts as displayed in the screenshot given below.

You can choose the fonts you want to use from the 50 unique fonts. You can find the two options under the QWeb & Backend Fonts section "QWeb Fonts" and "Backend Fonts". You can change the QWeb and Backend fonts using these two options as shown below.

The below screenshot showcases the two different images of PDF reports with different fonts style. One is called Odoo default fonts and the second is custom fonts.

You can view the Odoo Default fonts for Backend screen and Odoo Custom fonts for the Backend Screen in the images given below.